Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lesson 1.03 materials and free choice blog assignment

    Hello my name is Kyle Krug, i am a fiction/ speculative fiction reader. this means i enjoy books about the unknown, supernatural, and science fiction.
    Currently the book series i am reading is called the gunslinger by Stephen king, I am only on the second book named "the drawing of the three." the series itself is about a outlaw/ gunslinger named Roland who is hunting a man in black but when he finally find the man in black, they talk. during this time Roland is send to the future to take three gunslingers and teach them all he knows. he is told after he teaches them he will return to the past with them to invade the dark tower, this about as far as i got but so far I think this book is incredible.I think just by talking about it is easy to see why i like it, it is packed with action, and strange mysteries.

 "The Drawing Of The Three" part 2
  I would say my reaction to the Gunslinger: drawing of the part three chapters six would have to be surprised. I would be surprised because Roland and his two companions Eddie and Detta find the third and final door. As Roland prepared to enter the door not knowing what lies behind it Detta walker’s split personality comes out to play. Taking Roland’s revolvers she threatens the two men, unknown to her the revolvers have been loaded with damp rounds.  As she puts the gun to the sick Gunslingers head and screams and yells for the two men to take her back home, Eddie tries to calm her down. When Eddie is finished Detta pulls the trigger on the gun and nothing happens. She then returns to her normal calm, less homicide self. Roland after a nights rest leaves the camp to enter the door, he deles in the darkness of the void area to come to a world filled of sound and light he has found his third, the pusher or did he.
                The third person is a person Roland already knows a boy named Jake; they meet in the first book of the series. To Roland this boy was almost a son, but at the end of book one Roland lets Jake fall to his death in a tunnel he does this to counting his way to the dark tower. Roland upon seeing Jake alive and well remembers the things from before the first time he meet Jake, including this slater of a small town were signal handle killed ever last person, men, woman, and children.
If I had to take notes on this I would say this would be all of my notes, ever last word I have just typed, they would also have to be in listing(Chronological order)

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